
Read Blog Posts by Category:

Passion: Articles that deal with the inner drive that we all need to want to MOVE from where we currently are to where we dream to be.

Preparation: These posts reference articles, books, documentaries, speakers, quotes, and other inspirational and formative ideas that I have found that helped me and the people around me.

Practice: Articles in this category have a heavy sports and performance training lean.

Performance: These articles focus on how you go about your work. From networking to communications to finding a better way to do what you do.

Perseverance: Articles in this category speak to the mechanics that we go through both mentally and physically to stay on track and not get STUCK.


Passion Coach Carlisle Passion Coach Carlisle

Chase The Match

Some people will find their motivational sparks from EXTERNAL sources. These might be found in videos on the internet, a motivational speaker, or a book that you just read. Watching and listening to speakers such as Eric Thomas or Les Brown always help to push me through some slow times.

You might find your spark from an INTERNAL source. It may be a person you work with who always gets excited about being better at what you are doing. These INTERNAL motivators can come from anyone. It also may be a negative comment that sparks us to say, “We’ll see about that.”

Whatever gives you your spark, continue to use it so you don’t get stuck along your journey.

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