
Read Blog Posts by Category:

Passion: Articles that deal with the inner drive that we all need to want to MOVE from where we currently are to where we dream to be.

Preparation: These posts reference articles, books, documentaries, speakers, quotes, and other inspirational and formative ideas that I have found that helped me and the people around me.

Practice: Articles in this category have a heavy sports and performance training lean.

Performance: These articles focus on how you go about your work. From networking to communications to finding a better way to do what you do.

Perseverance: Articles in this category speak to the mechanics that we go through both mentally and physically to stay on track and not get STUCK.


Preparation Coach Carlisle Preparation Coach Carlisle

How to Stop Being Too Busy

We are not inherently “too busy.” Instead, we prioritize certain activities over others based on their perceived value or urgency. We all have the same 24 hours, the same 1440 minutes, and the exact same 86,400 seconds in our day; what changes is our perspective on priorities.

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Performance Coach Carlisle Performance Coach Carlisle

Conquer Your Fears

Do you watch TV news anymore? That’s some scary stuff. The doom, gloom and general hopelessness that is expounded in every word will leave you afraid of the world coming to an end any second.

Think of the fear that is being spewed out to those who actually watch these programs. It could make you shelter in place and never leave your house again.

“Fear” is a powerful emotion. It can stop you from moving forward. It can close off new ideas. It can keep you awake. It can keep you stuck. It can be such a force that your life stops completely.

That is what “fear” can do when you allow it to control you. But when you control your mindset, your fears will vanish.

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