Success: Faith and Trust

The shortest distance between two points, is a straight line.

- Archimedes of Syracuse

Did you hear the story about the leader who took forty years to get his group to their optimal destination?  We might think that this guy was tenacious.  This guy had grit and determination.  One who doesn’t know the meaning of quit … right?

What happens if I told you that he could have gotten his group to their destination in eleven days, instead of forty years?  What do you think about the leadership of this venture now?  How does this information change your perception of the people who were associated with this leader?

What if I told you this man’s name was Moses, who took forty years to do what should have taken eleven days to complete?  That’s right.  It took, the Old Testament, Moses forty years to take the Israelites from Mt. Sinai to Canaan.  The Old Testament also tells us that it is an eleven day walk between the two.

Let’s jump ahead about three thousand and some years … all the way to today … What about you?  What is your optimal end point?  What is it that you want to make of your life?  Have you started on your journey?  If you have, how far along are you?  How long has it taken you to get this far?

Are you taking the “forty years” path?  Of course, not … right?

I believe there are always applicable lessons in historical events. 

Why did it take Moses forty years to travel a distance they could have walked in eleven days?  Theological experts differ in their reasons but most all have two sticking points: Faith and Trust.

The Exodus era Israelites did not have Faith in their God and they did not Trust their leadership.

They did not have faith in the God that had shown them miracle upon miracle to get them out of Egypt and then more miracles as they evaded Pharaoh’s army.  On their way He made water appear where there was no water and food to appear where there was no food.  Yet, they lacked faith. 

They also did not trust in the leadership of Moses.  The guy who spoke to God.  The guy who was the lightning rod that brought about many of the miracles that their God had bestowed upon them, and I didn’t even get into the ten commandments.

What does the story of the Exodus have to do with you?

Simple, if you are not moving steadily down your path to success then you probably are in the same boat as the Israelites.  You lack Faith and Trust.     


If you can’t get people to invest in your ideas maybe they don’t get a positive vibe from you when you try to get their support.  You may be betraying yourself because a lack of faith in your own ideas. 

Do you just have a good idea or are you totally invested in your dream?  Do you have faith in your planning or are you making things up as you go? 

To truly have faith in your plan is simple.  Start by answering these basic questions:

The Foundations of Faith:

1)      Why is there a need for your product or idea?

2)      What’s been done in the past, present and future with ventures that are similar to yours?

3)      How are you going to be so different that people will follow you?

When you can answer these three questions you will understand if there is a need for your idea.  You will have researched the entire scope of your idea, from its roots, to how it is being used now and how it can evolve.  I’m not talking just reading one article or listening to one podcast.  Have you done a deep dive, so deep that you are looking at information that others have overlooked?  Do you know the answers BEFORE you hear the question?  Which takes you to third question; how will your idea be so revolutionary that people will drop what they have to get what you are selling?

You can’t just have a “good idea” you have to have a life changing revelation.  Something that no one has ever thought of.  Something that changes the way we live our lives. 

Once you have that, and you know everything … I mean EVERYTHING about that idea or product, you will have Faith in your idea or product.   When you have this, you will then be able to present your plans with great Faith.  When you speak from a foundation of Faith, you will speak with passion, and you will begin to feel that people will begin to lean in a little closer!


Once your Faith is there you can look into the mirror and understand your lack of trust. 

Maybe you haven’t ever done anything like this.  Maybe you are trying to do things that you are not built for.  Maybe you have people around you that are telling you that you can’t finish this deal.  Maybe you are questioning your own abilities.

Once you understand where you are going (Faith) you need to Trust yourself, and have others around you trust you also. 

Follow these steps to begin to build your trust:

Building Trust in Yourself:

1)      Understand what crayons you have (Your skills and talents).

2)      Surround yourself with people that you trust, who fill in the gaps in your plan.

3)      Stop the negative self-messaging.  (Internal & External)

Steve Jobs had faith in his ideas, but he needed someone who would build his ideas into a tangible product.  He checked his skills (Crayons) and found that he was lacking in the programing part of the game.  So, he went to his friend Steve Wozniak to do what Jobs couldn’t do. 

Because Jobs knew where they were going and Wozniak knew how it all worked, they presented a united front when they went to the trade shows to put their computer on display.

When you have your product or idea fleshed out (Faith) you have accomplished half the battle. 

Now go take it to the street. 

Because you know who you are, and more importantly who you aren’t, you will be a force to be reckoned with.  When you add your circle of people who fill your gaps you will earn the feeling that you are not doing this by yourself.  Once you believe in you and have the belief of others, all the negative self-talk will come to an end.

Forty Years or Eleven Days

It’s now up to you.  How long is it going to take you to get from where you currently are to where you want to be?  Are you going to take the long road? Lacking Faith or Trust in your ideas and yourself, or are you going to be a believer and take the short road? 

It seems almost too simple.  It is said that it took forty years for Moses to get his people to Canaan because they needed that amount of time to gain the necessary Faith and Trust.  Using this story as your guide make sure that your journey is quicker. 

Move or Die … It’s your choice!

Have an amazing day!




Building a Presentation – Part IV